Dework Integration
This function is still in beta
You can easily issue work credentials from completed tasks on Dework. Here is how to do it.
Connect your Dework Account
First, Make sure you have connected the metamask to Dework. You can check it on your setting page on Dework.
Open VESS, and enter your Dework username.
Pick your works to issue credential
Once your Dework account is connected successfully, you will see a list of your completed tasks. Select the task for which you want to issue credentials and press the "Issue Credential" button.
Tasks that do not have a skill property set on Dework cannot be issued as a credential on VESS. In that case, please set one genre before issuing credentials.
That's it! It will take a little time, but please stay tuned. If successful, your task will be issued as Work Credentials. Congratulations!
Last updated